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Admission 2019

On 15th December as the Mother Church celebrates Gaudete ("Rejoice") Sunday, our college had yet another reason to celebrate during this Sunday mass as 18 seminarians received Admission for the Holy Orders. They are from 11 different countries namely: Philippines, Brazil, Vietnam, Argentina, Angola, Venezuela, Tanzania, Ghana, South Africa, Croatia and Ecuador.

H.E. Mons. Juan Ignacio Arrieta, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts was the main celebrant. The Eucharistic Mass celebration took place in our college chapel at 10:30 Am. In his homily the bishop urged the new candidates to priesthood that as seminarians they should profit this time in the seminary to build a good personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He further said that they have to be patient with themselves even with others for they are to meet with some ups and downs while discerning this vocation. He also invited us all to conversion of heart so that Jesus can be born always and a new in our hearts. After Holy Mass, we spent a brief moment of conviviality in our seminary where refreshments were offered that we could share together with the many friends who participated in the celebration. We thank God for the these young men who have offered themselves to discern this vocation and we humbly entrust them into the maternal heart of the ever blessed Virgin, mother of seminarians, to respond generously to this vocation.

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