During his journey to Hell, Dante meets Ulysses who, recounting his life, pronounces the famous verses: "consider your seed: facts you were not to live as brutes but to follow virtue and knowledge". Dwelling place of virtues and knowledge are the universities, which have always been meeting places of different worlds, cultures and visions of life that confront each other in the search for the Truth.
So it is also for the University of the Holy Cross that we all attend. For some months now, our university has become even more animated thanks to the resourcefulness of a group of students from our College who have begun to organize a series of informal meetings open to all students of the University with professors, priests and experts in various fields.
Thus, in these months, following the requests of the participants themselves, we were able to listen to professor don Giulio Maspero, Mgr Guido Marini, the Pope's master of ceremonies, and the director of the service for vocations of the diocese of Rome, don Fabio Rosini. To these meetings will be added others that will certainly help us to expand and integrate our academic, human and spiritual formation.