Sunday 26 January was marked by the indications addressed to the whole Church by Pope Francis in the Motu Proprio Aperuit illis: to celebrate every year the third Sunday of Ordinary Time by dedicating it to the Word of God. In our college the Mass was presided by Fr. Javier with the concelebration of Fr. Eduardo and Fr. Randifer. Both in the entrance procession and after the proclamation of the Gospel, we particularly venerated the Word of God with some eloquent liturgical signs. In his homily, Fr. Randifer invited all of us to open our hearts to the Holy Spirit who inspired the authors of the Bible, so that this living Word may bear fruit in us.
Later in the day, some seminarians went to St. Peter's Square for the Angelus with the Pope. He addressed the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square for the Sunday Angelus, encouraging them to let themselves be transformed by the grace of the Spirit and to become heralds and messengers of the Word of God.